Chris Moss Online

Rants & Raves

Election Day Editorials

I stood outside the polls yesterday with my signs and propaganda to encourage voters to vote against Amendment 2, “the marriage amendment” which defines marriage as being only between one man and one woman, but which also bans civil unions and probably will invalidate some wills, medical powers of attorney, etc. It is worth noting I was outside the “electioneering line” and my position was approved by the Election Judge. It wasn’t particularly fun but something I felt I should do. Below are some of the choice comments from random voters during the day:


The quiet period on my blog recently is the calm before the storm. James and I have stayed very busy with the campaign taking up most of our time. We went to Austin on Saturday. We got up at 5:45a on Saturday and drove down for a 10 am meeting (made it ON TIME!) and drove back after. Not only was it a pleasant drive and always nice to spend some quality moments with my sweetie, the meeting was VERY worthwhile. I’ll have to tell you about it later.

In the meantime, there was an article in the Plano Star (also in the Frisco Enterprise print edition) about a forum I participated in recently. It’s not fun putting yourself out there like that, but nothing worth fighting for is easy.

Cuff Links & Christmas Decorations

Last night, on the way home from work, I stopped by the local mall in search of cuff links. There are a handful of people (my boss, but also some clients of ours in the oil & gas bid’ness) who wear French cuffs and I thought it might be neat to have at least one shirt with them. I got one about a month ago but hadn’t worn it, as I needed cuff links first. I really like the way French cuffs look, it’s kinda classy and cuff links these days can be pretty cool – an additional way to be stylish and different. Well, French cuffs are pretty different in and of themselves!