Chris Moss Online

Let There Be Light

Last night I finally installed a fluorescent light in our garage. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time so that I can see well enough at night to work on projects and find tools. The light kit cost a mere $18.95 and you could tell. Step one of the directions should have read “go back to Lowe’s and buy two toggle bolts.” The clear plastic cover over the lights doesn’t fit – not even close, but currently it’s staying up there. I fully expect to see it on the ground soon. But all in all, I’m happy with it.

The Origins of EGB / Travel Plans

In my last post I made a reference to EGB. That might have made some of you scratch your heads. EGB refers to our house, on EaGleBend Lane. We adopted that name for our house some time back because of our love for travel and because of my tendency to refer to cities by their airport code (EYW is Key West, for example). The FAA currently is not using the code EGB, so if anyone ever wanted to get me a really unique gift, perhaps the FAA would be so kind as to officially designate my house as EGB. Hopefully that wouldn’t cause planes to land here.

So far I have only used 1.5 days of my 16 vacation days per year. I receive 3 weeks and 1 personal holiday. It’s kind of a nice feeling, given that 1/3 of the year is already behind us. We have been talking about the possibility of a motor home type trip with Bobby & Ian late in the summer, and very soon we will need to go visit Tim & Kate. That will be a long weekend, and there may be some other long weekend trips in there too, perhaps to SFO or ATL (San Francisco or Atlanta).